突触囊泡:注:Synaptotagmin:结合钙离子,是钙离子的感受器注:SNARE complex帮助囊泡停泊在突触前膜上。图下为囊泡的收回注: Botox is a protease that cleaves the SNARE complex and prevents fusion pore formation.
AMPA and NMDA Receptors:当突触后神经元细胞内呈阳性时,镁离子就会被排除注:钙离子作为第二信使,与第二信使系统相关激酶相互作用,进而插入额外的AMPA受体,导致LTP注:Why is the NMDA subtype of glutamate receptor so critically important for synaptic plasticity?::镁离子与钙离子注:基因层面的变化产生新的突触
Hebb’s Postulate:注: The phrase “Use it or lose it” is a common expression that is used by some clinicians and laypersons to refer to experience-dependent plasticity of neural circuits in the developing or recovering brain. While this aphorism may be useful in patient/client education and motivation, it does NOT adequately capture principles of synaptic plasticity. Which statement below best explains why?:: The loss of synaptic connections is facilitated by uncoordinated use, not the lack of use.