Synaptic Transimission

  1. Electrical and chemical synapse:
    1. Electrical synapse: 是神经元之间传递信号最快的方式
    2. Chemical synapse:存在突出延迟,单向传递电信号
      1. 钙离子
      2. 突触囊泡:Synaptotagmin:结合钙离子,是钙离子的感受器:SNARE complex帮助囊泡停泊在突触前膜上。图下为囊泡的收回: Botox is a protease that cleaves the SNARE complex and prevents fusion pore formation.


  1. Overview:
    1. Small molecule neurotransmitters
      1. Amino acid::Glutamate通常是兴奋突触后神经元,GABA和Glycine通常抑制突触后神经元
      2. Not amino acid:Ach(胆碱能神经元,通常是兴奋于肌肉纤维)
      3. Biogenic amines(生物胺,调控神经环路):
        1. Dopamine:
        2. 去肾上腺素:
        3. 5-HT:
    2. Neuropeptides:
    3. Unconventional neurotransmitters::It plays a role in the plasticity of inhibitory circuits in the brain.
  2. The process of neurotransmitters:
    1. Glutamatergic synapase:

Ionotropic Neurotransmitters Receptors

  1. Ligand-gated ion channels::PSC代表Post synaptic current:Erev​ is the membrane potential at which there is no net flow of current.
    1. Ach receptors: N末端在胞外
    2. GABA:
    3. Glutamate:
      1. NMDA receptors:

Metabotropic Neurotransmitters Receptors and Postsynaptic Mechanisms

  1. Metabotropic receptors:
    1. GPCR:

Synaptic Integration

  1. EPSP and IPSP:
    1. GABA:
  2. Synaptic Transmision:

Synaptic Plasticity

  1. Plastisity
  2. Mechanisms of plastisity:
  3. LTP(Long-term potentiation)::Tetanus:The tetanic stimulation 可产生LTP(图中1是Tetanus,2不是)
  4. AMPA and NMDA Receptors:当突触后神经元细胞内呈阳性时,镁离子就会被排除:钙离子作为第二信使,与第二信使系统相关激酶相互作用,进而插入额外的AMPA受体,导致LTP:Why is the NMDA subtype of glutamate receptor so critically important for synaptic plasticity?::镁离子与钙离子:基因层面的变化产生新的突触
  5. LTD(Long-Term Depression)::广泛低频率的刺激导致LTD:低频率的刺激会激活突触后神经元内部的磷酸酶,进而使目的蛋白去磷酸化,导致AMPA受体的收回。其与LTP都需要AMPA和NMDA受体,区别在于突触后神经元钙离子的水平和突触后神经元钙离子含量升高的速率。
    1. LTD in the cerrebellum:
  6. Spike-Timing Dependent synaptic Plasticity
  7. Hebb’s Postulate:: The phrase “Use it or lose it” is a common expression that is used by some clinicians and laypersons to refer to experience-dependent plasticity of neural circuits in the developing or recovering brain. While this aphorism may be useful in patient/client education and motivation, it does NOT adequately capture principles of synaptic plasticity. Which statement below best explains why?:: The loss of synaptic connections is facilitated by uncoordinated use, not the lack of use.