Sensory Transduction

  1. The notion of the sensation, perception and the action:
  2. The hair cells::不同频率的声音,震动发生在tube的不同地方。

The early processing of sensory information

  1. Phase locking::Spikes通常发生在waveform的顶峰:左边CN的axon比右边的要短一些

How Sensory Information Guides Motion

  1. Visual shift::紫色为Visual orientation response,红色为Auditory orientation response.:1. 关于sound的神经环路都整合到下丘(Brain owl;对于哺乳动物在 superior collicullus)这个地方。2.OT(optic tectum),其含有visual和auditory的输入,还有somato sensory的输入;后面将信号投射到Brain stem -spinal cord(可以guide orientation movement):ICC的神经元对声音的频率不同敏感,ICX对interaural time(SPACE) 的不同敏感:The shift:ICC产生了新的axons,投射到ICX
  2. Summary:

Higher Order Processes of Sensory Information

  1. How to study?
  2. An Example::黄色的是我们不期望听到的声音
  3. An Example::黄色的是我们不期望听到的声音:蓝是unexpected,绿是expected.


  1. Involve what?
  2. Not Emotions:
  3. Concept:
  4. The brain::有关结构有Amygdala(杏仁核)、VTA(含多巴胺能神经元)