The Cell as a RC Circuit

  1. Background::I是输入的电流,V是神经元膜相应的内外电压的变化情况(其变化与时间有关),这一变化就叫去极化
  2. RC circuit::R(resistance)C(capacitance)

The Voltage Equation for the Passive Cell

  1. The Equation:
  2. The Membrane Time Constant::R:The input resistence of the cell

Temporal Summation

The Resting Potential

  1. :在人脑内,electrode相当于synapses(输入电流)

The Synaptic Potential

  1. 为什么synapse是一个electical device?:当神经递质与突触后神经元上的受体结合时,一些离子通道打开,产生current。
  2. The Synaptic Conductance(突触电导)
    1. Channels::1. x channels总是打开,是passive channels; 2. the red channels:当神经递质与受体相互作用时才打开

The Synaptic Battery

  1. gNa:
  2. gK:
  3. PSP:

The voltage Equation of the synapse and EPSP and IPSP

  1. EPSP:
  2. IPSP: